
Värska Kuurortravikeskus

Packages / Treatment / Classic treatment package 5 days

Classic treatment package 5 days

Värska with the best treatments
5-day spa package.

2020. year study confirmed the positive effects of Värska spa treatments.

295 €/pers

(1 place in a 2-bed room)

Single room

345 €/pers

Offer available for the month of May only

From 25.06. 435.-EUR/pers, 1 place. 495.-EUR/pers.



in sanatorium hotel

3 meals a day:

(no catering on arrival day, breakfast-lunch on departure day)


to be determined during consultation

Treatments from the following menu:

(to be determined during consultation )

> therapeutic mud bath (up to 3 times)
> Pearl bath with natural mineral water
> classic massage 25 min.
> massage on a waterbed
> massage chair
> clay heating
> mud paraffin
> salt room
> apparatus physiotherapy (electrical therapy)
> local peat treatment
> paraffin treatment

A suitable package for those who would like to make the most of a week’s spa treatment. Feel better for up to six months without costly medication, with the help of the natural and scientifically proven Värska spa treatment.

2020. year study confirmed that Värska mineral water and therapeutic mud treatments are proven and the most effective in Estonia. This unique therapeutic combination is available nowhere else. A hot mud bath relieves muscle tension and the resulting muscle pain. Mineral bath water Värska-6 helps to combat asthma attacks, back pain, psoriasis and stress-inducing ailments. By starting spa treatment now, you can avoid worsening symptoms and irreversible damage to your health.

We are staffed by dedicated professionals – specialists, therapists and masseurs who can help you with both emotional and physical concerns. Our therapies provide relief from a range of health problems, help to relieve tension and relax the body, mind and spirit.


Arrival Sunday
from 19.00


On the day of departure, please vacate your room no later than 14.00.


> junior suite 30 €/day

> in a suite with jacuzzi 40 €/day

> a suite with sauna 40 €/day

> Sootska Suite 50 €/day


> Extra bed 13€/night,

> baby cot 13€ (one-time fee)

> 0 – 4 years free (without extra bed)

> 5 – 14 years 40€ per day (accommodation, meals and use of the water park according to the adult package).

> 15. from the age of 15, the full price of the package applies.

There are no procedures on the day of arrival or on Sundays. Unused package services will not be compensated.

Arriving early and wanting to spend some time in the water park before checking in,
an adult staying on the same day gets a discounted water park and sauna ticket for 12€.


in Estonian +372 799 3901 or info@spavarska.ee

In Russian +372 799 3910 or slavik.vertepov@spavarska.ee..

The offer does not comply with the Package Travel Directive 2015/2302.


A younger man and a woman playing disc golf on the beach of Värska sanatorium.
What to do

Useful ideas for spending time on the spot

A woman and a man walking in the countryside with walking sticks near the Värska spa treatment centre.
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Värska kuurortravikeskus

Värska kuurortravikeskus

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
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