Värska Kuurortravikeskus

Rehabilitation at Värska Spa Treatment Centre


A woman at a psychologist's appointment at Värska Spa Centre.

Social rehabilitation

is for all disabled people and people with partial or no work capacity.
A woman with a physiotherapist and gymnastics equipment in the gymnastics room of the Värska spa treatment centre.

Vocational rehabilitation

for people of working age with reduced work capacity

Rehabilitation is a social service that aims to improve a person’s ability to cope independently and to function, to promote employment or work and to increase participation in society.

In the case of a disabled child, the aim is to support the child’s development and education, in the case of a person of working age, the aim is to support readiness for or retention in employment, and in the case of an older person, the aim is to improve independent living.


1) Social rehabilitation

is for all disabled people and people with partial or no work capacity who need help in their daily lives to cope with the limitations of their disability or special needs.
Social rehabilitation services are mediated by the Social Insurance Board.

AS Värska Sanatoorium has been providing social rehabilitation services since May 2005.


2) Vocational rehabilitation

is for people of working age with reduced work capacity.
Vocational rehabilitation services are for people aged 16 up to retirement age and are mediated by the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

AS Värska Sanatoorium provides vocational rehabilitation from 15.01.2018


Our mission

Happy people as a result of client-centred rehabilitation.


Our vision

We are a modern, well-regarded and well-functioning team with high levels of satisfaction with the service provided, both for the client and the team.


Our core values

– Quality – we provide an evidence-based, targeted and reliable service, based on identification of client needs, communication, best practice and our best capabilities.
– Professionalism – team members with relevant education and skills, long experience and motivation.

– Client-centred – we look at the client as a whole, based on each person’s expectations, needs, values and goals.
– Honesty – we behave with kindness, respect and value our own reputation and that of others. We ensure fair and relevant information is available and accessible.
– Caring – we respect human values: respecting the dignity of both clients and staff, working to provide a dignified and supportive living and therapeutic environment, and caring for the individual.

Assurance Quality Mark logo on the compliance of rehabilitation services in Värska Spa Treatment Centre.
European Union Social Fund logo
Assurance Quality Mark logo on the compliance of rehabilitation services in Värska Spa Treatment Centre.
European Union Social Fund logo

AS Värska Sanatoorium has been EQUASS Assurance certified since 05.01.2017.

EQUASS Assurance is a pan-European quality management certification system for social services developed by the European Platform for Rehabilitation, which ensures quality and quality control in services.
The quality of services is characterised by the following keywords: customer focus, ethics, rights, results orientation, comprehensiveness, partnership, participation, sustainable development.

The activities will be implemented in the framework of the ESF TA “Welfare services to support labour market participation 2015-2020” 2.3.3 “Promoting the quality of welfare services in Estonia through quality training, consultation and demonstration and implementation of quality management systems”.

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