
Värska Kuurortravikeskus

+372 799 3901

Värska Spa Therapy Centre logo.

Principles of data processing and use of cookies

Client – Consumer of AS Värska Sanatooriumi services
Executor – AS Värska Sanatoorium

1.1. The data processing principles apply to the booking and provision of services by AS Värska Sanatoorium in the website environment. AS Värska Sanatorium processes personal data only for the purpose of providing you with a service (rehabilitation, spa, beauty, accommodation, booking a table, subscribing to a newsletter). We will not transfer, sell or disclose your information to third parties without your prior consent or as required by law.

2.1. When filling in the forms, the data to be provided by the Client are divided into mandatory and voluntary data.
2.2. The following information (marked with an asterisk) must be provided by the Customer:
2.2.1. Name – required to complete and secure your booking;
2.2.2. E-mail address – required for booking and, if necessary, for prepayment invoices;
2.2.3. Telephone number – required to complete your booking and to ensure fulfilment, including notifying you of service disruptions.
2.3. When subscribing to the newsletter, the Customer must provide the following information:
2.3.1. First name – to add a personal address in the newsletter.
2.3.2. Email address – to receive the newsletter and best offers.
2.3.3. The subscriber has given the Executor his/her consent to the use of his/her contact details for direct marketing purposes, i.e. he/she will be sent marketing communications using the contact details provided by him/her.
2.3.4. The customer has the right to opt-out of receiving communications for direct marketing purposes at any time by following the instructions in the email sent out or by expressing their wish by writing to info@spavarska.ee .
2.3.5. The data controller is AS Värska Sanatoorium, Väike-Rõsna küla, 64034, Setomaa Parish, Võrumaa.
2.3.6. When processing personal data collected through the use of the e-shop, AS Värska sanatoorium follows these general principles of data processing and the use of cookies. AS Värska sanatoorium forwards the personal data necessary for the execution of payments to the processor – the payment solution provider. The company does not disclose personal data to other parties without the consent of the buyer/customer.

3.1. AS Värska Sanatorium shall store the data for as long as they are necessary to achieve the purpose for which the data are used or until the expiry of the statutory limitation periods and the statutory document retention period (7 years according to the VAT Act and the Accounting Act).

4.1. The client has the right to receive information from AS Värska Sanatoorium about the use of his/her data in accordance with the procedure and to the extent provided by law.
4.2. The Client has the right to request AS Värska Sanatorium to cease the use of his/her data and to correct, block and delete the data, if this is in accordance with the legislation.
4.3. You have the right to opt in or opt out of the use of your data for direct marketing or marketing purposes.
4.4. The customer has the right to seek redress from the Data Protection Inspectorate and the courts.
4.5. For any questions concerning your personal data, you have the right to send us an e-mail to info@spavarska.ee.

5.1. In order to serve our customers better, we use cookies on the website of AS Värska Sanatoorium.
5.2. The domain belonging to AS Värska Sanatooriumi may, among other things, contain an element that stores cookies on behalf of third parties.
5.3. The customer has the right to refuse the storage of cookies on their computer. If you wish to do so, you must opt out of the use of cookies or change your browser settings.
5.4. Different types of browsers use different methods to disable cookies. For more information, see the website http://www.aki.ee/et/kupsised or the English version at http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.
5.5. When blocking cookies, the Customer should be aware that some functions of the website may no longer be available to the Customer after blocking cookies.

What is a cookie?
5.5.1. A cookie is a text file sent to and stored on the Customer’s computer by the websites the Customer visits. The cookie will be stored in the Client’s browser file directory. In case the Customer has visited the website before, the browser will read the cookie and transmit the corresponding information to the website or element that initially stored the cookie. More information on cookies is available at www.aki.ee/et/kupsised or in English at http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.
5.5.2. Cookies allow you to monitor website usage statistics, the popularity of sections and other activities on the website. The information obtained from the cookie is used for the purpose of improving the usability and content of the website.

Types of cookies used on the website
5.5.3. Persistent cookies are essential for navigating around the website and using its features. In the absence of permanent cookies, the Customer would not be able to use all the features of the Website.
5.5.4. Session cookies allow the website to remember previous choices made by the Customer (such as username, language selection, etc.) and thus provide more efficient and personalised features.
5.5.5. Tracking cookies collect data about the Customer’s behaviour on the website. The information provided by the tracking cookie allows you to increase the user-friendliness of the website.

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Värska kuurortravikeskus

Värska kuurortravikeskus

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
Tere! Täname päringu eest. Veekeskuse, pakettide ja hindade info leiate meie veebist https://spavarska.ee . Jooksev seis tubade kohta 7993901 kell 7-23. Vastame meeleldi lisaküsimustele esimesel võimalusel

ЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕ , спасибо за запрос Цены, путёвки и часы работы водного центра вы найдёте на нашем сайте https://spavarska.ee/ru/ . Текущая информация по свободным номерам по телефону дежурного администратора +3727993901 (ежедневно 7-23).
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