
Värska Kuurortravikeskus

Treatment / Services / Consultation

A woman consulting a doctor at the Värska health resort.


Consultation of a doctor or therapist.

21,35 €

if bought separately

Available: Mon-Thu; Duration: 15 mins

During the consultation, procedures will be set up that will result in the visitor alleviating their health problems and receiving specific recommendations to improve their quality of life. Consultation is necessary as medical conditions vary in nature and some procedures have contraindications.

We are staffed by dedicated professionals – specialists, therapists and masseurs who can help you with both emotional and physical concerns. The first consultation is included in the price of at least 3-day treatment packages.


chronic rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma. Frequent viral infections, allergies, sleep disturbances, neurosis. The procedure is perfect for those who want to quit smoking.


viral infection with fever, acute asthma attack, pulmonary emphysema, heart failure.

For information and bookings tel +372 7993900, admin@spavarska.ee

or tel +372 7999334, veekeskus@spavarska.ee

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Värska kuurortravikeskus

Värska kuurortravikeskus

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
Tere! Täname päringu eest. Veekeskuse, pakettide ja hindade info leiate meie veebist https://spavarska.ee . Jooksev seis tubade kohta 7993901 kell 7-23. Vastame meeleldi lisaküsimustele esimesel võimalusel

ЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕ , спасибо за запрос Цены, путёвки и часы работы водного центра вы найдёте на нашем сайте https://spavarska.ee/ru/ . Текущая информация по свободным номерам по телефону дежурного администратора +3727993901 (ежедневно 7-23).
Värska kuurort