Värska Kuurortravikeskus

In cooperation with the University of Tartu

Project: continuation of the study of the effects of water immersion and other spa therapy procedures on the bio-mechanical properties of muscles at the Värska resort centre. Conducting research into the potential for new rehabilitation methods.

This study follows on from the study that ended in 2020. The aim is to collect more data and to investigate the effects of vibro-acoustic therapy and mechanical massage chairs on the same basis, in addition to the current immersion procedures.

Principal Investigator (institution): Alar Veraktsitš (University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Bio- and Translational Medicine , Ravila 19, Tartu).

Period: 2021-31.12.2023.The research has been approved by the University of Tartu Human Research Ethics Committee.

Funded by the University of Tartu and AS Värska Sanatoorium.

In cooperation with Tallinn University

Project: provision of a knowledge service for the preparation of a customer satisfaction survey, for the implementation of two new local (hand and foot bath) treatment procedures.

Commissioned by Tallinn University (Centre of Excellence for Health Promotion and Rehabilitation, Haapsalu College).

Period: satisfaction survey to be carried out between 15.11.2021 and 30.09.2022.

Financier:AS Värska Sanatoorium

Applied research on smart specialisation

Project: Investigation of the effects of water immersion procedures at Värska Resort Centre on the mechanical properties of muscles. Conducting research into the potential of new rehabilitation methods.
Smart project NSP192 (2014-2020.4.02.18-0135)

The main objective of the project is to study and analyse the physical and chemical properties of the mineral water and therapeutic mud procedures offered at the Värska Resort Centre and their effects on healthy or sick people, and to find new applications for immersion procedures.
The baseline for the study:
1. To investigate the rehabilitation procedures currently in use in Värska using a methodology that assesses the mechanical properties of muscles.
2. As a result of the analysis, consider the possibilities for implementing a novel approach to immersion procedures.

Financed by: the European Regional Development Fund
Duration:01.01.2019 – 31.12.2020.
Lead partner:University of Tartu
Partners:AS Värska Sanatoorium
Total cost of the project :99 624 €
Eligible costs of the project:€ 83 020
Grant 50% 41 510 €

European Regional Development Fund

Project: Effects of therapeutic mud and mineral water bath treatments on muscle tensions in working-age people, and the effects of therapeutic mud general bath and therapeutic mud general wrap on patients with a diagnosis of hypertension.
EU52376 (2014-2020.5.4.1)

Brief description: the project will carry out 2 surveys in 3 enterprises:
1. Effects of therapeutic mud and mineral water general bathing procedures on muscle tension in working-age people (Värska Sanatorium, AS);
2. Effects of the therapeutic mud bath and the therapeutic mud wrap procedure on patients with hypertension (AS Värska Sanatoorium, AS HEAL, AS Sanatoorium Tervis).
As a result, a new one will emerge:
– knowledge of the effects of herbal baths and mineral waters to prevent and relieve muscle tension
– knowledge of the effects of therapeutic general bath and general wrapping procedures on patients diagnosed with high blood pressure.
– input for mud treatment packages and expanding the clientele

Financed by: the European Regional Development Fund
Duration:01.08.2018 – 31.05.2019.
Project Lead Partner:Tallinn University (Centre of Excellence for Health Promotion and Rehabilitation, Haapsalu College).
Partners:AS Värska Sanatorium, AS HEAL, AS Sanatorium Tervis
Project cost :75 573 €
Grant 85% 64 237 €

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Värska kuurortravikeskus

Värska kuurortravikeskus

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
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