
Värska Kuurortravikeskus

Treatment / Physiotherapy

A woman with a physiotherapist and gymnastics equipment in the gymnastics room of the Värska spa treatment centre.


Outpatient rehabilitation and physiatry indefinite licence
L02777( except 17.09.2012).
Helps restore impaired mobility.

36,60 €

if bought separately

Available: Tue-Fri; Duration: 30 min

30 €

if bought separately

The price from 01.10.2023 is
36 €

Physiotherapy is a health service that aims to restore or maintain the physical health of a patient and/or prevent the development of health problems. Improve the patient’s quality of life and ability to cope with work and daily activities. Physiotherapy is based on a physiotherapeutic assessment and a treatment plan based on this assessment, which may include exercises, physical therapy, complementary therapy, counselling of the patient and relatives.

A physiotherapist is a rehabilitation specialist who restores or maintains a client’s impaired ability to move and perform activities using physical exercises, massage and a variety of physical therapies.

The physiotherapist adapts and recommends assistive devices, advises the client on maintaining or improving the range of motion. Draws up and recommends individual training and gymnastics programmes.

Physiotherapists specialising in working-age and elderly patients with musculoskeletal and neurological problems:

Karin Liivago, T00572

Anne Lassik, T00573

Karin Tuur, T00574

Helgi Palatu, T00575

For information and bookings tel +372 7993900, admin@spavarska.ee

or tel +372 7999334, veekeskus@spavarska.ee

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Värska kuurortravikeskus

Värska kuurortravikeskus

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
Tere! Täname päringu eest. Veekeskuse, pakettide ja hindade info leiate meie veebist https://spavarska.ee . Jooksev seis tubade kohta 7993901 kell 7-23. Vastame meeleldi lisaküsimustele esimesel võimalusel

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Värska kuurort