Värska Kuurortravikeskus


Water Center hotel elevator
is currently out of order due to a technical fault

A relaxing family holiday, a spa experience with a partner or a motivational trip with colleagues – Värska Water Center is the place for both – fun and relaxation. The Water Center hotel has 22 economy class rooms with all amenities and accommodates 49 people.

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without breakfast

Price until 31.12.2025

1-bed room 40 €/adult

1 place in a 2- or 3-bed room
30 €/adult
18 €/child 5-14 years old

with breakfast

Price until 31.12.2025

1-bed room 52 €/adult

1 place in a 2- or 3-bed room
42 €/adult
24 €/child 5-14 years old

Accommodation package
at the Water Centre

Package includes accommodation, breakfast and unlimited use of the water park, saunas and gym

Price until 31.12.2025

1-bed room 75 €/adult

1 place in a 2- or 3-bed room
65 €/adult
45 €/child 5-14 years old


Arrival from 16.00


Please vacate rooms no later than 12.00


> If desired, breakfast can also be ordered from the Näki café or Lahe Resto for an additional fee on site.


> breakfast at the buffet table (8.00-10.00). NB! Breakfast is served at the Lahe Resto in the Sanatorium, which is located 300 m walking distance from the Water Center.



On the second Monday of every month, there is a maintenance day at the water park and swimming pool. On this day, there will be no morning swim or sauna, and the swimming pool will be opened together with the water park and saunas.


> 0 – 4 years free (without extra bed)

> Extra bed 15 €/night;
baby cot 13 € (one-time fee)

> full price applies from the age of 15

For more information, contact the Water Center administrator by calling +372 799 9334

  Our hotel is non-smoking, including on the terrace and in the front of the door.
   Pets are not allowed.

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Värska kuurortravikeskus

Värska kuurortravikeskus

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
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Värska kuurort