Monday 9.09
Meet at the receptionist’s desk, free of charge.
16.00 SHINDO VENITUS AND BREATHING HOUR in the gym, room 321.
Pre-registration by 15.00 and payment at the reception, participation fee €10,
limited number of places.
Tuesday 10.09
Meet at the receptionist’s desk, free of charge.
20.00 SECOND DAY CULTURAL EVENING in the dance hall of Lahe café (o-floor).
You will be entertained by the mixed folk dance group HÕBEHALL, free of charge. Open at the Bay Bar.
Wednesday 11.09
We will meet at the reception. FREE!
15.00 Bike ride to the Nordic walking trail (8km by bike and 5km on foot).
Registration at the reception, participation fee €5.
16.00 SHINDO VENITUS AND BREATHING HOUR in the gym, room 321.
Pre-registration and payment at the reception,
fee EUR 10, limited places.
17.30 Festive dinner with piano music at Lahe Resto.
Thursday 12.09
The farm has a large collection of antiques from Setomaa.
Pre-registration at the reception until 12.00 on Thursday.
Participation fee 15€.
Friday 13.09
7.00 An early morning, invigorating walk along the forest trail.
Meet at the receptionist’s desk, free of charge!
21.00-00.30 FRIDAY DANCE NIGHT in the dance hall of Lahe Bar.
The house band OJAR and EINAR will play for dancing, admission €5.
Weekly schedule 16-22.09
Monday 16.09 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE BORDER HIKING TRAIL. If you want to meet at the reception, also suitable for children, free of charge!
Weekly schedule 19-25.08
Monday 19.08 14.00 WALK TO THE HIKING TRAIL OF THE SPEED-SKIING TRAIL. Meet at the receptionist’s desk, free of charge. Tuesday 20.0817.30 Festive Independence Day
Weekly schedule 9-15.09
Monday 9.09 14.00 CANOEING ON THE FOREST TRAIL. Meet at the receptionist’s desk, free of charge. 16.00 SHINDO VENITUS AND BREATHING HOUR in the gym,
Weekly schedule 2-8.09
Monday 2.0916.00 SHINDO VENITUS AND FINISHING HOUR in the gym, room 321. Pre-registration by 15.00 and payment at the reception, participation fee €10, limited number
WEEKLY PLAN 17 – 21.04
Monday 17.04 16.00 SHINDO VENITUS AND BREATHING HOUR in the gym, room 321. Pre-registration and payment at the reception, participation fee 10 EUR, limited places.
Why does the family have a nose about again with the onset of cold weather?
With the onset of the first sub-zero temperatures in winter, many families are in for an unpleasant surprise – children and adults alike feel a
“I had constant neck and back pain”
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Weekly schedule 20.-26.03
Monday 20.03 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE HIKING TRAIL. Those wishing to do so should gather at the reception. Also suitable for children, free of
A holiday at the springs of life
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From legend to modern day – why did a resort come to Värska?
The people of Värska know the legend of how and why the mud and mineral water of Lake Lämmijärvi acquired its healing properties. Legend has
“Spa treatment is the 4th pillar of pensions.”
The share of prevention and rehabilitation in Estonia’s medical budget is too low, say 3. Participants of the representative international conference of the Setomaa Association