
With the onset of the first sub-zero temperatures in winter, many families are in for an unpleasant surprise – children and adults alike feel a sore throat and find it harder to breathe through the nose. Why is this and what can be done to prevent it?

Dr. Külli Margus, head physician of the Värska spa treatment center, explains that this is due to the fluctuating temperatures when the cold weather arrives. “With the start of the heating season, we spend a lot of our time indoors, where the air is very dry. When we go outdoors, our bodies are hit by the stark contrast between the warm indoor air and the cold outdoor air. This puts a lot of strain on the body, especially at the beginning of winter, to adapt to the weather, and for the same reason people often get sick when they return home from a trip to a warm country,” explains the head doctor.

“All of this ultimately weakens the immune system and makes our body vulnerable to viruses. The solution is to give the body a chance to recover,” he suggests. For the relief and prevention of similar upper respiratory problems, the Värska Salt Chamber is a good example. “Salt is anti-inflammatory and bacteria-killing. A visit to the salt chamber is a good prophylactic for upper respiratory tract problems, especially in the case of repeated sessions over a few days. At the same time, salty mineral water has a balancing and calming effect on resistance,” notes the therapist.
A holiday with salt chamber and mineral water bath treatments, which Värska Resort offers at a discounted price for families and couples during the winter season, gives the body the necessary strength to recover.

The treatments, combined with the water centre and sauna facilities, create the perfect environment in the midst of pure nature. The sweet smell of Värska pine trees and the air quality, recognised as the best in Estonia, create a combination that cannot be replicated in any urban park. Even just a weekend at the Värska spa can work wonders.

Weekly schedule 9-15.12

Monday 9.12 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE BORDER HIKING TRAIL. If you want to meet at the reception, also suitable for children, free of charge!

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Weekly schedule 16-22.12

Monday 16.12 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE BORDER HIKING TRAIL. If you want to meet at the reception, also suitable for children, free of charge!

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Weekly schedule 23-27.12

Monday 23.12 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE BORDER HIKING TRAIL. If you want to meet at the reception, , also suitable for children, free of

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An aerial view of the Värska spa hotel building in the middle of the forest on the shores of Värska Bay.

WEEKLY PLAN 17 – 21.04

Monday 17.04 16.00 SHINDO VENITUS AND BREATHING HOUR in the gym, room 321. Pre-registration and payment at the reception, participation fee 10 EUR, limited places.

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Gates of Värska Farm Museum.

Weekly schedule 20.-26.03

Monday 20.03 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE HIKING TRAIL. Those wishing to do so should gather at the reception. Also suitable for children, free of

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A holiday at the springs of life

The corners of the compass appear to emerge by themselves. The holiday is about to begin. It’s full of healing relaxation, the croaking of frogs, sweet blueberries, melt-in-your-mouth camomile foam and honeycomb. Wherever you look, there are pine trees, whose sweet smell makes you breathe a sigh of relief.

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
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