
From legend to modern day – why did a resort come to Värska?

The people of Värska know the legend of how and why the mud and mineral water of Lake Lämmijärvi acquired its healing properties. Legend has it that this was the result of Kalevipoja’s importing of sailboards.

Based on material collected by Vello Jüriöö

Namely, in those distant times, the Immortal Kashchei and the Mutt of Yaga were said to have given the Kalevipoya in Venice a Viagra-like miracle potion so that he would not be disgraced with the whips in Finland. Power drinks were also provided for the rhino. He also smuggled a handful of Chinese gold and silver threads into the lining of the coat.

The water of Lake Lämmijärvi lost its traces and the man was happily returned to his homeland. On our shore, however, it got wild. Somebody had carried a tongue and Kalevipoeg still missed the Sorts’ machine. The hedgehog saved the day by taking Kalevipoja’s fur coat with precious metal needles and ordered the pots to be thrown into the lake. No prohibited goods were found during the search. Fierce drinks and primeval weed mixed with the mud of Värska Bay. The Hedgehog hid the Chinese needles under an ash tree in the village of Little Smoulder. Since then, from the depths of Setomaa comes mighty waters, mud has healing powers and hedgehog needles make money. Today, the hedgehog has also given up all the old recipes and recipes that came with the miracle spices.

There are many things that make Värska resort unique. Visitors to Värska Sanatorium are always enchanted by the beautiful Setomaa nature, which can be admired and enjoyed from the windows of the cosy rooms. The incomparable pine forest air and refreshing walks in the woods or by the lake guarantee a good appetite and refreshing sleep for all.

The Värska spa treatment centre is unique in Estonia for its treatment arsenal. Natural rejuvenation is on offer: freshwater medicinal mud from Lake Lämmijärvi and the famous Värska mineral water, which is drawn from deep underground. Freshwater sludge is ten times richer in organic substances than sea mud and contains high levels of hydrogen sulphide.

Värska mud is considered to be one of the world’s most unique therapeutic freshwater mud, for which it is claimed there is no analogue. Värska mud is said to contain high levels of oestrogen, or female sex hormone, which makes its skin rejuvenating properties unsurpassed. Thick mud is diluted with 570 million year old, ultra salty Värska water, which in turn produces a truly unique combination.

The foundation for the establishment of Värska Sanatorium was laid by Government Decree No. 212 of 1971. in 2007 when the area around Värska was recognised as a resort of local importance. Värska had all the natural prerequisites to become an excellent resort: mineral water with a variety of different properties, excellent health mud, pine forests, a warm lake sheltered from the winds, no atmospheric or water pollution, relative peace and quiet. What wealth!

1972. In June 2005, the issue of the future sanatorium was discussed at the office of the Põlva District Committee of the ECB. 16. On 14 June 1972, a meeting of the Agricultural Council of the Põlva District was held, where the construction of a sanatorium was also discussed and it was decided to start building a sanatorium for 400 people.

An 11-member Preparatory Commission was set up and tasked with developing 20. the statutes of the sanatorium by 27 July and. A general meeting of shareholders must be convened on 1 July.

At the general meeting of shareholders it was decided to form the Interstate Sanatorium of Agricultural Workers “Värska” and approved the statutes, budget (50 000 rubles of income and 21 000 rubles of expenses). It was decided to organise a competition for the design of a sanatorium and 3 000 rubles were allocated for this purpose.

At the same time, the Board of Directors decided to locate the sanatorium on the shore of the bay, 3 km from Värska towards Lake Pihkva. The Board decided to apply to the Põlva District TSN Executive Committee for the allocation of 40 ha of land for a sanatorium and the construction of a 12-apartment building in Värska.

1973. In 2007, the land allocated to the sanatorium was increased to 114.8 hectares and a project for the sanatorium was commissioned. 3. On May 1980, as a result of the active and selfless work of Dr. Ragnar Viir, the first patients were admitted to the Värska District Hospital.

Weekly schedule 9-15.12

Monday 9.12 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE BORDER HIKING TRAIL. If you want to meet at the reception, also suitable for children, free of charge!

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Weekly schedule 16-22.12

Monday 16.12 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE BORDER HIKING TRAIL. If you want to meet at the reception, also suitable for children, free of charge!

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Weekly schedule 23-27.12

Monday 23.12 14.00 LEISURELY WALK TO THE BORDER HIKING TRAIL. If you want to meet at the reception, , also suitable for children, free of

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An aerial view of the Värska spa hotel building in the middle of the forest on the shores of Värska Bay.

WEEKLY PLAN 17 – 21.04

Monday 17.04 16.00 SHINDO VENITUS AND BREATHING HOUR in the gym, room 321. Pre-registration and payment at the reception, participation fee 10 EUR, limited places.

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Värska kuurortravikeskus

Värska kuurortravikeskus

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
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