Värska Kuurortravikeskus

Treatment / Massages / Lava stone massage

A woman on a massage table with pre-heated stones placed on her back by a masseur. Photo of lava stone massage at Värska spa treatment centre.

Lava stone massage

A deeply relaxing procedure

70 €

90 min

50 min

54 €

Price valid until 31.12.2025
Available: Mon-Fri

Lava stone massage is a deeply relaxing treatment

The massage eliminates fatigue and stress and nourishes vitality. KPre-heated lava stones are placed on the surface of the body. When they come into contact with the skin, they begin to transmit heat and energy from the sun, which relieves muscle tension, dilates blood vessels, regulates the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems.

The heat also opens up energy channels and releases energy blocks, increasing tone throughout the body and balancing energy levels. The healing effects of lava stones were enjoyed by ancient Roman emperors, and stone massages were also popular with Indians and the Chinese. The stones used are powered by fire, sun and water. This treatment, based on oriental teachings, combines stone and hand massage of the energy centres, or chakras, and chakra manipulation with semi-precious stones.

For information and bookings tel +372 7993900, admin@spavarska.ee

or tel +372 7999334, veekeskus@spavarska.ee

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