
Värska Kuurortravikeskus

+372 799 3901

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Setomaa Open
Swimming Cup 2024

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Promoting swimming as a healthy sport. Offering the opportunity to compete for all those interested in swimming. This is a grassroots event.
Time and place:
28.01, 11.02, 10.03, 24.03.2024

Võistluste algus kell 10.00. Värska Veekeskus, Setomaa vald, Väike-Rõsna küla. Võistlused toimuvad 25m basseinis, 3 rajal.
Pre-registration is open until 17.00 the day before each stage at heidi.jarveveer@spavarska.ee or at tel 799 9334
Participation fee:
Participation fee per stage: adult 16 €, child 10 €. Spectators will be able to enter the water park with a water park ticket. Choose your ticket: https://spavarska.ee/veekeskus/
The top three finishers in each age group will be awarded a diploma and a medal.
By participating in all four stages, the winner of each age group will be awarded a trophy and a valuable gift. 2015 - 2009a. the winner of each age group with a trophy and 10 x water park saunas. 2008a. and the cup and package born earlier "A holiday for two in a water park".
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Age groups:
Born in 2015 and later
2013 - 2014a. Born on
2011 - 2012a. Born on
2009 - 2010a. Born on
2006 - 2008a. Born on
1985 - 2005a. Born on
1990 - 2005a. Born on
1975 - 1984a. Born on
1980 - 1989a. Born on
1969 - 1974a. Born on
1974 - 1979a. Born on
Born in 1968 and earlier
Born in 1973 and earlier
P andT
P andT
P andT
P andT
P andT
M emberiorid I
N Seeniorid I
Seniors II
N seniors II
Seniors III
N seniors III
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Calculation of results:
Each stage will be contested in two different styles. The winner of the age-group stage will be determined by adding up the times. First place in a stage gives 20 points, second place 17 points, third place 15 points, 4th place with 13 points, 5th place 12 points, etc. In the overall standings, in the event of a tie, the higher number of better places will be decisive, and also in the event of a tie. determines the overall winner of all swims in total time.
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Programme :
Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Stage IV

25m backstroke and 25m freestyle born 2015 and later
other age groups 25m breaststroke and 50m freestyle

25m freestyle and 25m backstroke born 2015 and later
other age groups 25m freestyle and 50m backstroke

25m backstroke and 25m freestyle born 2015 and later
other age groups 25m backstroke and
75m medley (25 backstroke + 25 breaststroke + 25 freestyle)

25m backstroke and 25m freestyle born 2015 and later
other age groups 50m breaststroke and 100m freestyle

In the event of different cases and disputes, the Chief Organiser, together with the Chief Judge, will take a decision and inform the parties concerned.

The number of lockers in the changing rooms is limited, so please bring a large sports bag to take your clothes to the pool if necessary.

Organised by AS Värska Sanatoorium, Contact: Heidi Järveveer, heidi.jarveveer@spavarska.ee or +372 53002391.

Sponsor of the competition: the municipality of Setomaa

Organised by:
AS Värska Sanatoorium,

Contact Heidi Järveveer, heidi.jarveveer@spavarska.ee or +372 53002391

Sponsor of the competition: the municipality of Setomaa

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Värska kuurortravikeskus
Tere! Täname päringu eest. Veekeskuse, pakettide ja hindade info leiate meie veebist https://spavarska.ee . Jooksev seis tubade kohta 7993901 kell 7-23. Vastame meeleldi lisaküsimustele esimesel võimalusel

ЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕ , спасибо за запрос Цены, путёвки и часы работы водного центра вы найдёте на нашем сайте https://spavarska.ee/ru/ . Текущая информация по свободным номерам по телефону дежурного администратора +3727993901 (ежедневно 7-23).
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